Connecting Telegram to Bitrix24

All Telegram messages in Bitrix24

Telegram chat history inside Bitrix24 CRM, auto-replies, automation, free mobile application.

Finally selling on Telegram will be convenient

Write to clients on Telegram directly from Bitrix24
  • Managers chat in Open Lines or Wazzup chats
  • Contacts and deals for new clients are created automatically
  • Correspondence is saved in Bitrix24
  • The sales department works from one number
  • Robots and business processes automate the work of salespeople

More automation, less work

Wazzup supports all the functions of Robots and Business Processes from Bitrix24. Automate any scenarios and save sellers time. Let people sell, robots will do the rest.

Will not let customers forget you

Clients will not forget about the agreements, and employees will not sit idle if the meeting fails.

Now everything is streamlined with Telegram in the sales department

  • The client will be answered even if his manager is on vacation
    If the seller falls ill, goes on vacation or quits, you can transfer clients to another employee in a few clicks.
  • The seller will not take away the history of communication with the client
    Do not lose customers just because the employee left and dragged away the correspondence
    in personal Telegram. Now all dialogues will be saved in one place - in Bitrix24.
  • No one will say “I didn’t call much because I corresponded”
    You will know exactly how much, when and with whom the seller corresponded.
    And sellers will know that you know. There will be no more excuses.

Sellers will say "Thank you"

Working in Bitrix24 will become easier, faster and more convenient. The system will be in full order, and the sellers will not do extra work for this.

Choose the Right Plan

12 MONTHS (-20%)
6 MONTHS (-10%)
one Telegram account
24 €/mo
30 /mo
dialogs / month
Ideal for getting started and boosting sales


one Telegram account
48 €/mo
60 /mo
dialogs / month
Coordinated work of the sales department with applications


one Telegram account
96 €/mo
120 /mo
dialogs / month
A true customer order processing pipeline
